Change Log
All notable changes to this app will be documented below.
Phase 5: 2023-10-31
- Usage of Firebase, Freezed
- Email verification when signing up
- message list/chat mockup
- Item preview page mockup
- Resume setup process on app quit
- Upload of a profile pic
- Upload item page mockup
- Sign up as business users (temporary)
- changing username (might be temporary?)
Phase 4: 2023-10-31
- Restructured the project's file structure to adhere to feature-first architecture
- Implement "Profile" mockup
Phase 3: 2023-10-26
- Swipe functionality for home browsing page
- Input validations on forms
- Settings page to change theme mode, and to logout
- The use of riverpod
Phase 2: 2023-10-18
- Implemented database structure for users, measurements and items
- Implemented "Contact Information" mockup for business users
- Updated bottom nav bar to have states
- Implemented "browse (scrolling view)" mockup
- Implemented "Registration Pending" mockup
Phase 1: 2023-10-04
- Simple mockup pages for the app